Vedic astrology is different from western astrology in substance, form, analysis methods, and results. There is also an astronomical difference between the two. Planets’ positions in the Vedic and Western horoscopes are not the same. Vedic astrology is called Sidereal Astrology and it uses a Fixed Astronomical Zodiac. Western astrology is called Tropical Astrology and it uses the changing and symbolic Zodiac.
The Zodiac Signs are twelve fixed groups of stars around the sky, beyond and outside our solar system’s circumference. Our solar system’s planets rotate within this Fixed Astronomical Zodiac.
Our earth moves around the sun and its own axis. But the earth’s axis is not fixed and it has also a conic pendulous movement called Precession which completes one circle in about 26 000 years. At the beginning of astrology, when the zodiac signs were named, our planets’ relations to the astronomical zodiac, seen from the earth, were different than nowadays and the sun entered into the Aries Sign on Spring-Equinox (around 20th or 21st March) which it does no longer. Because of the precession, the position of the earth and other planets relative to polestar and zodiac signs changes constantly.
In about 70 years, the earth’s position relative to zodiac signs changes about one degree backward. Because of the Precession, nowadays, the sun enters into the astronomical Aries Sign on the 13th or 14th of April and not on the day of Spring-Equinox.
Precession of the Equinoxes is the discovery of Vedic Indians and Vedic astrology takes into consideration this phenomenon when erecting a horoscope and western astrology does not. Thus the positions of the planets in a Vedic horoscope and the Western horoscopes are different. This is the fundamental difference between the vedic and Western astrology.
Besides the zodiac of Twelve Signs, vedic astrology also uses a zodiac of Twenty-seven Signs called Nakshatras or Moon Mansions.
In a vedic horoscope a sign is never split into two Houses. Ascendant placed at any degree of a sign shall make the entire sign as 1st House and 2nd sign to it shall make the 2nd House and so on.
In a vedic horoscope, the Ascendant and the Moon are the most important factors to decide the mood of the entire horoscope. The Sun has no special importance in the vedic astrology as it has in the western.
In vedic astrology, the horoscope analysis is based not only on Natal Horoscope but one takes help from other fifteen different Divisional Horoscopes that are generated by the Natal Horoscope. In order to confirm one indication, one uses many types of Ascendants and Karkas (significators). The Aspects and Conjunctions are also interpreted differently.
Vedic Astrology has a unique system to time events of the past, present and future. This is the Dasha system – Planetary Periods. Every person gets a unique Planetary Almanac that indicates the possible events or changes in life during a certain period of time. Moon’s position in a Nakshatra Sign at the time of birth decides the start of first Dasha Period in a person’s life. Every planet as a Ruler, as a Tenant, as a Karka (Significator) has a fixed duration of its Dasha Period during which it shall give results – good, bad or mixed. Planetary Transits are used to verify the results of Dasha Periods.
Vedic Astrology has another unique system of prediction – Yogas (Planetary Unions or combinations). Yogas give specific indications which usual horoscope analysis can not.
Vedic Astrology is known by many names – Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Predictive Astrology, Karma Astrology, Muhurta Astrology (choosing auspicious times to begin a successful project), Compatibility Astrology (choosing right partners for marriage or business) or Jyotisha (the science of lights or enlightenment). Present Indian Astrology is an amalgamation of many different systems of astrology practised and developed in different parts of India over thousands of years.
In India, astrological knowledge started circa 4,500 years before Christ was born. The first ever written book on Vedic Astrology is Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by a Vedic seer called Parashara about 1,500 years before Christ. This book is still available and is the basic source of Vedic Astrological knowledge of India.
Vedic Astrology is an integral part of vedic metaphysical and philosophical tradition and Vedic Medical System called Ayur Veda (life’s knowledge). Vedic Astrology is the shortest way to assess the temperament and mental health of a person.
Astrology is a science of self-knowledge :
There are many ways to interpret human nature. Astrology is one way to approach it. It is an empirical study like any other systematic subject.
Vedic Astrology is a wonderful tool for personality analysis. Vedic astrology is a quick method to judge a person’s temperament and mental health. Every person is a centre of his own psychic universe. Our Horoscope is a map of our psyche, our inner sky, our ego-complex, our will, our potentials to influence the world, our purpose of life and our Karma. The Planets symbolise, among many other things, the archetypal forces of our mind and body. The Signs symbolise the archetypal patterns of these forces. The Houses symbolise the archetypal areas in which these forces can manifest.
Astrology reveals our existential problems. At any given time the possible problem will be visible in the horoscope. It reveals a person at subjective, social, material and spiritual level. There is also a pinch of destiny and luck in life. These are the things that make human beings different from each other even though two persons might have an identical IQ, chance and starting point.
The Dashas (planetary periods) and the Transits symbolise the celestial clock which activates hormonal secretions in our body and makes us feel and behave in a certain manner and direction. They create tensions and intentions in us and make us act. Behind every action there is an intention. Dashas indicate a person’s inner evolution, metamorphosis through time and experience and indicate what one can possibly experience at mental, physical, social and material level.
The Meaning of Life :
The meaning and purpose of life is to achieve material happiness, to develop mentally and to live in psychic harmony.
To attain material happiness one should achieve success in three main areas of life – Dharma, Artha and Kama. These are the material aims to solve our existential problems and to fulfil our moral, economic, social and emotional needs. These aims attach us to Maya ( the material world) and make us dependent on it. They also give moral, economic, social and political structure to a society. Most of the people don’t live beyond this dimension.
Dharma is the ethical and moral code of life. It indicates our obligations towards Nature, our fellow-beings and society. It is for the development of an individual’s religious, moral and social consciousness. Thus it covers the concept of education, knowledge, justice and righteousness.
Artha is our basic right to achieve economic prosperity and status in life. It is the wealth that rules the world. Our aims to achieve wealth and status can make us very selfish, very greedy, very egocentric and very destructive. We want more and more wealth. We follow the illusion of Maya and forget that in the end no wealth and status can save us.
Kama is the god of love and desire. It tells what you love and desire most in life. Kama is our basic right to enjoy life through sensory experiences of art, music, drinking, love and sex. Kama feeds and increases our desires. Kama’s main function is to generate procreation.
Besides the fulfilment of the existential and physical needs that give happiness there is a further aim of life – Mokhsha (freedom or enlightenment).
Mokhsha is the philosophical, spiritual and transcendental aim of life. It is an individual’s quest for enlightenment, liberation from ignorance, mental equipoise, beatific-vision or Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Awareness-Bliss).
Quo Vadis? Where are you going?
What are you seeking in life – material happiness or inner harmony? Will you get it? This is the primordial question. The purpose to analyse a Horoscope is to make you aware of your inner nature, your potentialities and your journey of life from different perspectives such as mental and physical health, education, wealth, status and career, relationships, children, travelling and so on.
A complete Horoscope Analysis takes few hours. The results are conveyed on phone, skype or e-mail as per your liking.
Questions covering one aspect of life e.g. Health, Wealth, Job/Status, Children, Marital/Love/ Relationship’s problem and so on cost Rs 1100.
Relationship compatibility analysis costs Rs 501.
Relationship analysis is done from many perspectives, such as mental and sexual vibrations; economy and children; whether the partner shall bring happiness and prosperity in the home or misery and tensions and so on.